Okapion + Engineering

UX enables engineering excellence

From large-scale-heavy engineering to micro-high-tech engineering, engineering is driving the technical innovation of our modern world.

In return, this modern world brings digital transformation into engineering. Software tools to support engineering phase. And our user experience (UX) design makes sure they are user friendly.

UX + Engineering

Engineers use software. Digital tools to help them:
design, do project management, monitor, plan logistics, analyse data, communicate with clients and suppliers and much more.
UX designers design that software in such a way, professionals can intuitively work more efficiently and achieve better results.

Without good UX design, applications are hard to understand and can become counter-productive. Resulting in human errors, long onboarding, development re-work or loss in productivity. Intuitive and user-friendly UX design empowers digital transformation in the engineering sector.

Whether one focuses on energy transition, resilience or smart buildings, Okapion understands how the latest digital innovations (such as AI and Digital Twin) are best utilized in the complex user challenges of engineering processes, servitization and more.

Our agile UX design process seamlessly complements the innovative nature of engineering. Alway looking out for new, uncharted ideas that will spark a wide range of benefits for both the user as the business.

UX + Servitization

We understand how organizations no longer only sell products but also services related to these products. They deliver added value for customers through services such as maintenance, repair, training, asset management, installation and even the use of the product itself, rather than just selling the product. Client portals like we designed for Huisman and Samskip are good examples.

UX + Data Driven Decision Making

Good UX design significantly enhances data-driven decision-making in the engineering sector by making complex data more accessible and engaging. It transforms raw data into relevant stories and vizualisations, allowing engineers to quickly interpret information, identify trends and actionable insights. This reduces cognitive load, enabling engineers to focus on critical analysis rather than struggling with data comprehension.

Additionally, good UX design takes care of the entire workflow beyond the dashboard. From monitoring to analysis to simulation, UX design empowers engineers to leverage data more effectively. Facilitating more informed decision-making and leading to innovative engineering solutions.

The engineering ROI of good UX

By embracing UX design, companies gain a lot when developing digital products for their engineering landscape. Whether it involves machine operating tools, customer and employee portals, or logistics planning.

This approach unlocks the full potential of digital advancements. Good UX design boosts key cost-saving ingredients:

  • Efficiency
  • User satisfaction
  • Productivity
  • Reduction of human errors
  • Adoption of new technologies and innovations
  • Reduction of training
  • Reduction of support / helpdesk effort
  • Reduction of development re-work

If you are about to start a new project that requires the build of a new application or an improved redesign of an existing one, make sure you include UX experts in a n early stage.

From strategy to design and implementation, we can help you out. Just reach out for a free consultation.


Okapion’s experience in engineering

Our hands-on expertise comes from our previous digital transformations


Risk management tool for plant safety


Customer portal for the heavy lift engineering


Planning tool for chemical liquids transport


Managing Automatic Guided Vehicles


Digital remote management of transformer

APM Terminals

Customer portal for container management

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