The ERP system is critical for business at Greenwheels, with 1.000 users spread over 4 countries. We created a task-driven structure and one page with all information users need to solve a issue. Task management became the heart of this new application. It served as the basis around which we began designing.
Getting coffee at McDonald’s
Fleetcheckers are the eyes and ears for their collegues back at the office. We joined one of them during his daily tasks maintaining cars. Over a coffee at McDonald’s, we talked about the challenges and problems he faces. This enabled us to analyse working methods and needs carefully.
Regular sessions with end-users
In addition to user research, we designed together with and for users. Regularly organising sessions to validate our design concepts with them. Users from every department wanted to contribute, even though the MVP did not directly affect them. This way, we were able to deliver a more widely deployable design concept.
From data-driven to task-oriented
The application, with task management as the backbone, makes information related to a task more accessible. It supports a user’s research by combining relevant data to display. The system reduces the number of manually entered data sets by using computer calculated data. The smart search helps users find specific assets quickly and easily. Communication between users also got a significant upgrade to more insightful and transparent.
A complete package
Our design system ensures we can deliver our designs to others within the organization, such as developers. It is a toolbox to further create and enrol other parts of the application.
Okapion is a partner that asks the right questions and has experience with complex systems.